Sayonara Wild Hearts collection and a small 3D print project
I recently got an awesome Sayonara Wild Hearts skateboard deck, one official fan item of several made for my favorite Switch game of 2019. It’s more of a display piece […]
I recently got an awesome Sayonara Wild Hearts skateboard deck, one official fan item of several made for my favorite Switch game of 2019. It’s more of a display piece […]
Death Stranding
After the Blade Runners and Black Mirror I’m almost tired of the question of soul-having. I get it, people jump through hoops to have a word that can’t be measured […]
fanboat [4:35 PM] I think I have some kind of complex about feeling powerless I feel like an ant on a planet of gods 99% of the time but 1% […]
fanboat What do you think of this whole youtube/apple/etc dropping alex jones? As I understand it he’s terrible and probably a poison to modern democracy, but I think people are […]
I’ve previously mentioned the Star Trek parody twitter account which I and a friend run; Some of the best work I’ve done for it have been these ‘excerpts’ from Star […]
A buddy and I started a twitter. It is somewhere between the best thing and the worst thing. Inclusive.
I get comments on this site every day. But only from terrible robots, so they get marked as spam. Some of them are pretty amusing though, so I will approve ALL […]